Organic chemistry at JHU bridges both synthetic and physical organic chemistry. Current activities include research in synthetic methodology, materials, natural products, medicinal chemistry, and chemical biology. Our recent research has found application in medicine (Lectka, Toscano), biology (Greenberg, Rokita, Townsend), and materials science (Klausen, Tovar).
Groups: Greenberg, Huang, Klausen, Lectka, Rokita, Toscano, Tovar, Townsend
Group Highlights
The Toscano Group Publishes in the Journal of the American Chemical Society: Unraveling Cellular Responses to Hydropersulfides
Hydropersulfides (RSSH) play essential roles in cellular signaling and redox balance, yet their regulatory mechanisms remain elusive. While significant progress has been made in understanding their biosynthesis, little is known […]
Catalysis of Free C–C Bond Rotation: C–F—H–X H-Bonds Find a Catalytic Role
There are few dynamic processes in organic chemistry that are more central to the molecular structure than C–C bond rotation. It is notable, however, that there exist few (if any) […]
Longer-Lived, Tougher Plastics by Single Atom Exchange
The Klausen Research Group publishes in the Journal of the American Chemical Society ( that replacing a small number of carbon atoms with silicon atoms makes polymer networks two-times stronger. This […]