OneChemistry Symposium
“Nexus of Synthesis, Materials and Data Sciences”
“Nexus of Synthesis, Materials and Data Sciences”
Prof. Todd Martinez, Stanford University "Discovering Chemistry and Photochemistry From First Principles Molecular Dynamics"Pre-seminar refreshments 6:00 PM, Remsen BreezewayReception immediately following, Remsen Breezeway
Professor Itay Budin, University of Chicago, San Diego “How lipid chemistry shapes biology: from the organelles of our cells to the bottom of the earth’s oceans” Small changes in the structure […]
Professor Eric Gale, Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard University “Leveraging the Aqueous Iron Chemistry to Develop Imaging Probes and Drugs” In aqueous solution, iron (Fe) can adopt different oxidation states and […]
Professor Michael D. Schulz, Virginia Tech “Exploring the connections between chelating polymer structure and rare-earth element binding thermodynamics” Rare-earth elements (REEs: La–Lu, Y, and Sc) are integral to modern technology, […]
Professor Donald Hilvert, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland. “Design can pave the way to fully programmable enzyme catalysts” Biocatalysis is emerging as a key enabling technology for […]
Professor Timothy A. Su, University of California Riverside “Sila-Diamondoids: Atomically Precise Nanoclusters of Crystalline Silicon” This talk will describe the synthesis, derivatization, and quantum transport properties of silicon diamondoids—atomically precise […]
Professor Robert Continetti, University of California San Diego “Transition State Dynamics and Hypervelocity Ice Grain Impact Mass Spectrometry” Review studies using the photodetachment of precursor negative ions to examine the […]
Professor Anthony Shoji Hall, Johns Hopkins University “Atomic-scale Insights into Electrocatalyst Structure and Function” ABSTRACT: The development of efficient renewable energy conversion and storage devices to curb climate change is […]
Professor Xue-Bin Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory “Probing Structures, Energetics and Reactivities of Anionic Molecules and Clusters Using Cryogenic Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Imaging” Size-selective cryogenic photoelectron spectroscopy (cryoPES) coupled with […]
Professor Brenda Rubenstein, Brown University “Predicting the Relative Populations of Protein Conformations without a Physics Engine Using AlphaFold 2” For decades, the conventional way to predict the different conformations of […]