Dr. Suman Gunasekaran

Dr. Suman Gunasekaran, Cornell Investigating molecules in strongly interacting electronic and photonic environments Abstract: When molecules strongly couple to external electronic or photonic states, new hybrid systems emerge with novel […]

Dr. Grace Panetti

Remsen Hall 233

Dr. Grace Panetti, Princeton Combining photophysics and inorganic synthesis to target small molecule activation and production: From methane to ammonia The transformation of small molecules into more valuable and complex […]

ACS Chemist of the Year Award Presentation

Congratulations to Dr. David Goldberg who has been awarded the ACS 2023 Maryland Chemist of the Year for his outstanding contributions to inorganic chemistry. “Heme and Nonheme Transition Metal Centers: […]

Dr. Bryan Changala

Dr. Bryan Changala, Harvard Abstract: Molecules are amongst the most complex objects that can be controlled and studied at the individual quantum state level. In this talk, I will introduce […]

Professor Daniel Tabor

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Daniel Tabor, Texas A&M University Building Physics-Based and Data-Driven Methods for Efficient Polymer Design and Spectroscopy Simulations Abstract: Our research group focuses on building tools that enable inverse materials […]

Professor Hans Renata

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Hans Renata, Rice University Abstract: By virtue of their unrivaled selectivity profiles, enzymes possess remarkable potential to address unsolved challenges in chemical synthesis. The realization of this potential, however, […]