Timothy A. Su on Sila-Diamondoids

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Timothy A. Su, University of California Riverside “Sila-Diamondoids: Atomically Precise Nanoclusters of Crystalline Silicon” This talk will describe the synthesis, derivatization, and quantum transport properties of silicon diamondoids—atomically precise […]

Professor Xue-Bin Wang

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Xue-Bin Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory “Probing Structures, Energetics and Reactivities of Anionic Molecules and Clusters Using Cryogenic Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Imaging” Size-selective cryogenic photoelectron spectroscopy (cryoPES) coupled with […]

Professor Masha Kamenetska

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Masha Kamenetska, Boston University “Recent Developments in Single Molecule Conductance Spectroscopy” Techniques for forming and quantifying electron transport through single molecule-metal junctions have advanced in recent years.  The implications […]

Professor Jared Lewis

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Jared Lewis , Indiana University "Non-Native Enzyme Catalysis” Metalloenzymes perform some of the most remarkable transformations in nature under ambient conditions in complex cellular milieu, but their native reactivity […]