News & Announcements Archive

The Chemistry Student Safety Committee

The Chemistry Student Safety Committee

The Chemistry Student Safety Committee (ChemSSC) was created to promote a culture of safety in our chemistry department, as well as to address known safety issues occurring in the laboratories. […]

J. D. Tovar receives JSPS Fellowship

J. D. Tovar receives JSPS Fellowship

Prof. Tovar was awarded an Invitational Fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.  This fellowship will support an extended Spring 2019 visit in Japan allowing for scientific […]

Danny Laverty of the Greenberg Lab featured in JACS

Danny Laverty of the Greenberg Lab featured in JACS

Congratulations to Danny Laverty of the Greenberg lab and Dr. Phil Mortimer, whose communication to the editor “Mechanistic Insight through Irreversible Inhibition: DNA Polymerase θ Uses a Common Active Site […]

Karlin Lab Featured in JACS

Congratulations to Mayukh Bhadra of the Karlin Lab, whose article “Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding Enhances Stability and Reactivity of Mononuclear Cupric Superoxide Complexes” was just accepted in the Journal of the […]

Heredeline Ardoña named Irving S. Sigal Postdoctoral Fellow

Heredeline Ardoña named Irving S. Sigal Postdoctoral Fellow

Herdeline Ann “Digs” Ardoña (Tovar and Mao group alumna, Ph.D. ’17) was recently named the 12th Irving S. Sigal Postdoctoral Fellow.  This award is offered by the American Chemical Society […]

2018 Graduate Student Awards and Fellowships

On behalf of the Awards Committee (Professors Dagdigian and Yarkony), I am pleased to announce the following student awards and fellowships.  Please join me in congratulating the awardees on their […]

Simran Saund of the Thoi Group Receives Student Travel Award to PCET 2018

Simran Saund of the Thoi Group Receives Student Travel Award to PCET 2018

Congratulations to Simran Saund for being awarded a travel award to the 3rd Annual Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Conference in June.  Sim will be presenting his work on the electrochemical properties […]

Faculty Teaching Awards Winner

Faculty Teaching Awards Winner

Let’s give a big congratulations to Aniruddha Dey, part of the Goldberg Lab, for winning the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award!! He works tirelessly to shape young minds and prepare tomorrows leaders. […]

Thoi Group wins First Place Poster Prize at Women in STEM Symposium

Thoi Group wins First Place Poster Prize at Women in STEM Symposium

Congratulations to graduate student Avery Baumann, and undergraduate students Gabrielle Aversa and Samantha Goldschmid in the Thoi Lab for winning a First Place Poster Prize at the 1st Women in […]

Lectka Group Published in Angewandte Chemie

Lectka Group Published in Angewandte Chemie

Congratulations to Cody Pitts (now at ETH Zürich) and Max Holl of the Lectka Group for their recent paper in Angewandte Chemie on the spectroscopic characterization of a C-F-C fluoronium ion […]