Please consult the online course catalog for cross-listed courses and full course information.
Course # (Section)
Course Details
AS.030.101 (11)
Introductory Chemistry I
MTThF 9:30AM - 12:00PM
Thyagarajan, Sunita
Remsen Hall 101
Summer 2024
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry I AS.030.101 (11)
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: MTThF 9:30AM - 12:00PM
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Room: Remsen Hall 101
Status: Open
Seats Available: 35/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.102 (21)
Introductory Chemistry II
MTThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Young, Jamie
Remsen Hall 101
Summer 2024
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry II AS.030.102 (21)
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: MTThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Instructor: Young, Jamie
Room: Remsen Hall 101
Status: Open
Seats Available: 26/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.104 (51)
Applications of Chemistry in Medicine
Thyagarajan, Sunita
Summer 2024
Chemistry is one of the oldest scientific disciplines through major contributions have been made in various fields such as health care, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, materials and polymer science and forensic chemistry, to name a few. The development of new drugs involves chemical analysis and synthesis of new compounds. Chemistry also plays a vital role in the development and growth of several consumer-based industries such as pigments and paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and oil and natural gas. In this program, students will be introduced to applications of chemistry in medicine and pharmaceutical sciences. Prerequisite: Background in chemistry and biology.
Applications of Chemistry in Medicine AS.030.104 (51)
Chemistry is one of the oldest scientific disciplines through major contributions have been made in various fields such as health care, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, materials and polymer science and forensic chemistry, to name a few. The development of new drugs involves chemical analysis and synthesis of new compounds. Chemistry also plays a vital role in the development and growth of several consumer-based industries such as pigments and paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and oil and natural gas. In this program, students will be introduced to applications of chemistry in medicine and pharmaceutical sciences. Prerequisite: Background in chemistry and biology.
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Status: Open
Seats Available: 50/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.104 (61)
Applications of Chemistry in Medicine
Thyagarajan, Sunita
Summer 2024
Chemistry is one of the oldest scientific disciplines through major contributions have been made in various fields such as health care, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, materials and polymer science and forensic chemistry, to name a few. The development of new drugs involves chemical analysis and synthesis of new compounds. Chemistry also plays a vital role in the development and growth of several consumer-based industries such as pigments and paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and oil and natural gas. In this program, students will be introduced to applications of chemistry in medicine and pharmaceutical sciences. Prerequisite: Background in chemistry and biology.
Applications of Chemistry in Medicine AS.030.104 (61)
Chemistry is one of the oldest scientific disciplines through major contributions have been made in various fields such as health care, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, materials and polymer science and forensic chemistry, to name a few. The development of new drugs involves chemical analysis and synthesis of new compounds. Chemistry also plays a vital role in the development and growth of several consumer-based industries such as pigments and paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and oil and natural gas. In this program, students will be introduced to applications of chemistry in medicine and pharmaceutical sciences. Prerequisite: Background in chemistry and biology.
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Status: Open
Seats Available: 59/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (11)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
MTTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Thyagarajan, Sunita
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 296
Summer 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I AS.030.105 (11)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: MTTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 296
Status: Open
Seats Available: 40/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.106 (21)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
MTTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Young, Jamie
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 296
Summer 2024
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II AS.030.106 (21)
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: MTTh 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Young, Jamie
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 296
Status: Open
Seats Available: 35/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (11)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Hill, Eric
Mudd 26
Summer 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (11)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Mudd 26
Status: Open
Seats Available: 231/300
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (21)
Organic Chemistry II
MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Hill, Eric
Mudd 26
Summer 2024
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (21)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MTWThF 9:00AM - 11:30AM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Mudd 26
Status: Open
Seats Available: 267/300
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (11)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
MTWThF 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Lectka, Thomas
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 186
Summer 2024
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: MTWThF 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Lectka, Thomas
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 186
Status: Open
Seats Available: 54/70
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (21)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
MTWThF 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Lectka, Thomas
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 186
Summer 2024
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: MTWThF 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Lectka, Thomas
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 186
Status: Open
Seats Available: 54/70
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.001.104 (01)
FYS: The Science of Color
F 1:00PM - 3:30PM
Young, Jamie
Gilman 10
Fall 2024
This First-Year Seminar is designed to introduce students to the fundamental physical and chemical origins of color and how we perceive them - from the vivid palette provided by the natural world to the brightly colored clothing we wear. Beginning with the basic principles of light and color, we will embark on an interdisciplinary investigation of color, including, but not limited to: color chemistry; color in biology; the physiology of the eye; how color affects human psychology; the history of color and light; and the use of color in art. Discover the physical and chemical explanations behind several noteworthy phenomena such as sunsets, color-blindness, rainbows, fireworks, chameleons and the Aurora Borealis.
FYS: The Science of Color AS.001.104 (01)
This First-Year Seminar is designed to introduce students to the fundamental physical and chemical origins of color and how we perceive them - from the vivid palette provided by the natural world to the brightly colored clothing we wear. Beginning with the basic principles of light and color, we will embark on an interdisciplinary investigation of color, including, but not limited to: color chemistry; color in biology; the physiology of the eye; how color affects human psychology; the history of color and light; and the use of color in art. Discover the physical and chemical explanations behind several noteworthy phenomena such as sunsets, color-blindness, rainbows, fireworks, chameleons and the Aurora Borealis.
Days/Times: F 1:00PM - 3:30PM
Instructor: Young, Jamie
Room: Gilman 10
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.001.105 (01)
FYS: The Science Behind the Fiction
MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
McQueen, Tyrel
Bloomberg 361
Fall 2024
In this First-Year Seminar, we will seek to answer questions including: could you forge Beskar? What would it take to make a light saber? Is "Image, enhance" really possible? What is possible today? What might be possible in the future? And, what may never be possible, as it violates the laws of nature as we know them? We will take an empiricist approach, gathering data on the needed properties via screenings and related research, and then applying physical principles to reveal feasibility.
FYS: The Science Behind the Fiction AS.001.105 (01)
In this First-Year Seminar, we will seek to answer questions including: could you forge Beskar? What would it take to make a light saber? Is "Image, enhance" really possible? What is possible today? What might be possible in the future? And, what may never be possible, as it violates the laws of nature as we know them? We will take an empiricist approach, gathering data on the needed properties via screenings and related research, and then applying physical principles to reveal feasibility.
Days/Times: MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: McQueen, Tyrel
Room: Bloomberg 361
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.001.195 (01)
FYS: Chemistry and Everyday Living
Th 10:30AM - 1:00PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 189
Fall 2024
This first year seminar will delve into the surprising ways that chemistry weaves its way through our day-to-day living. We will discuss topics that cover a variety of useful applications from "Chemistry in Medicine" to "Chemistry in Cooking & Baking". We will explore the material covered in our weekly discussions some more, by carrying out a few experiments to enhance our learning. No prior knowledge of chemistry in required.
FYS: Chemistry and Everyday Living AS.001.195 (01)
This first year seminar will delve into the surprising ways that chemistry weaves its way through our day-to-day living. We will discuss topics that cover a variety of useful applications from "Chemistry in Medicine" to "Chemistry in Cooking & Baking". We will explore the material covered in our weekly discussions some more, by carrying out a few experiments to enhance our learning. No prior knowledge of chemistry in required.
Days/Times: Th 10:30AM - 1:00PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 189
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.101 (01)
Introductory Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Goldberg, David P; Hernandez, Rigoberto
Mudd 26
Fall 2024
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry I AS.030.101 (01)
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: Goldberg, David P; Hernandez, Rigoberto
Room: Mudd 26
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/255
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.101 (02)
Introductory Chemistry I
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Goldberg, David P; Hernandez, Rigoberto
Mudd 26
Fall 2024
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry I AS.030.101 (02)
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Instructor: Goldberg, David P; Hernandez, Rigoberto
Room: Mudd 26
Status: Open
Seats Available: 8/251
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.101 (03)
Introductory Chemistry I
MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM
McCartney, Stephanie A
Mudd 26
Fall 2024
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry I AS.030.101 (03)
The fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: McCartney, Stephanie A
Room: Mudd 26
Status: Open
Seats Available: 101/250
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.103 (01)
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab
MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, M 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Young, Jamie
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab AS.030.103 (01)
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Days/Times: MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, M 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Instructor: Young, Jamie
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/32
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.103 (02)
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab
MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Young, Jamie
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab AS.030.103 (02)
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Days/Times: MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Instructor: Young, Jamie
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/32
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.103 (03)
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab
MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, W 1:30PM - 5:00PM
Young, Jamie
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab AS.030.103 (03)
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Days/Times: MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, W 1:30PM - 5:00PM
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab AS.030.103 (04)
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Young, Jamie
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/lab AS.030.103 (05)
This course is designed for students who have scored a 4 or 5 on the AP Chemistry Exam or who have scored a 6 or 7 HL IB Chemistry Exam. This course will review an advanced introductory chemistry sequence in a single semester. Chemical equilibrium, reactivity and bonding will be covered. These topics will be explored through laboratory experiments and problem solving, and discussing these principles in the context of current research. For details on chemistry placement and exam credit policies, please see
Students who have previously enrolled in AS.030.101 or AS.030.105 may not earn credit for AS.030.103 and students enrolled in AS.030.103 may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102/AS.030.106.
Days/Times: MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM, F 10:00AM - 10:50AM, T 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Instructor: Young, Jamie
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/32
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (01)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Fall 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I AS.030.105 (01)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (02)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Fall 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I AS.030.105 (02)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 14/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (03)
Introductory Chemistry Lab I
W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Fall 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Lab I AS.030.105 (03)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 9/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (04)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Fall 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I AS.030.105 (04)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 16/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (05)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
F 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Fall 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I AS.030.105 (05)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: F 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 29/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (06)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
T 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Fall 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I AS.030.105 (06)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/80
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.105 (07)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I
Th 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Fall 2024
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I AS.030.105 (07)
The experiments in this course are designed to support the learning of topics taught in AS.030.101 alongside developing your basic laboratory skills. They will provide students with a visual understanding of some of the key concepts of general chemistry and practice applying concepts to experimental procedures, observations, and results. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101. Course is offered in Summer and Fall terms only.
Days/Times: Th 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 34/80
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (01)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, Th 5:00PM - 6:15PM
Falzone, Christopher
Hodson 110
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (01)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (02)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (03)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (04)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (05)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (06)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (07)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (08)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (09)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (10)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (11)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (12)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (13)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (14)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (15)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (16)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (17)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/34
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (18)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Tovar, J D Dayton
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (18)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (19)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Tovar, J D Dayton
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (19)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (20)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Tovar, J D Dayton
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (20)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Open
Seats Available: 1/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (21)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Tovar, J D Dayton
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (21)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (22)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Tovar, J D Dayton
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (22)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (23)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Tovar, J D Dayton
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (23)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.205 (24)
Introductory Organic Chemistry I
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Tovar, J D Dayton
Remsen Hall 1
Fall 2024
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I AS.030.205 (24)
The fundamental chemistry of the compounds of carbon. Methods of structure determination and synthesis. The mechanisms of typical organic reactions and the relations between physical and chemical properties and structures.
Course offered only in Summer and Fall terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Tovar, J D Dayton
Room: Remsen Hall 1
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (01)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, M 1:30PM - 6:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Fall 2024
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, M 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (02)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, T 12:30PM - 5:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Fall 2024
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, T 12:30PM - 5:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Open
Seats Available: 6/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (03)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Fall 2024
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Open
Seats Available: 1/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (04)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, Th 1:30PM - 6:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Fall 2024
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, Th 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Open
Seats Available: 23/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (05)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Fall 2024
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.227 (01)
Chemical Chirality: An Introduction in Organic Chem. Lab, Techniques
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Hill, Eric
Shaffer 2
Fall 2024
This is a project lab designed for Chemistry Majors who are concurrently enrolled in AS.030.205.
Techniques for the organic chemistry laboratory including methods of purification, isolation, synthesis, and analysis will be explored through a project focused on chemical chirality. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.225 and AS.030.227.
Chemical Chirality: An Introduction in Organic Chem. Lab, Techniques AS.030.227 (01)
This is a project lab designed for Chemistry Majors who are concurrently enrolled in AS.030.205.
Techniques for the organic chemistry laboratory including methods of purification, isolation, synthesis, and analysis will be explored through a project focused on chemical chirality. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.225 and AS.030.227.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Shaffer 2
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/14
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.227 (02)
Chemical Chirality: An Introduction in Organic Chem. Lab, Techniques
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Hill, Eric
Shaffer 2
Fall 2024
This is a project lab designed for Chemistry Majors who are concurrently enrolled in AS.030.205.
Techniques for the organic chemistry laboratory including methods of purification, isolation, synthesis, and analysis will be explored through a project focused on chemical chirality. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.225 and AS.030.227.
Chemical Chirality: An Introduction in Organic Chem. Lab, Techniques AS.030.227 (02)
This is a project lab designed for Chemistry Majors who are concurrently enrolled in AS.030.205.
Techniques for the organic chemistry laboratory including methods of purification, isolation, synthesis, and analysis will be explored through a project focused on chemical chirality. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.225 and AS.030.227.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Shaffer 2
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/14
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.227 (03)
Chemical Chirality: An Introduction in Organic Chem. Lab, Techniques
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Hill, Eric
Shaffer 2
Fall 2024
This is a project lab designed for Chemistry Majors who are concurrently enrolled in AS.030.205.
Techniques for the organic chemistry laboratory including methods of purification, isolation, synthesis, and analysis will be explored through a project focused on chemical chirality. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.225 and AS.030.227.
Chemical Chirality: An Introduction in Organic Chem. Lab, Techniques AS.030.227 (03)
This is a project lab designed for Chemistry Majors who are concurrently enrolled in AS.030.205.
Techniques for the organic chemistry laboratory including methods of purification, isolation, synthesis, and analysis will be explored through a project focused on chemical chirality. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.225 and AS.030.227.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Shaffer 2
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/14
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.245 (01)
Quantitative Analytical Laboratory
M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, M 1:30PM - 6:00PM
Thyagarajan, Sunita
Remsen Hall 233
Fall 2024
This is a 3 credit lab that will serve as an introduction into analytical techniques and quantitative methods. There will be a 1 hour of pre-lab lecture component to this course to discuss the lab for that day.
This is a 3 credit lab that will serve as an introduction into analytical techniques and quantitative methods. There will be a 1 hour of pre-lab lecture component to this course to discuss the lab for that day.
Days/Times: M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, M 1:30PM - 6:00PM
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.245 (02)
Quantitative Analytical Laboratory
M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, W 1:30PM - 6:00PM
Thyagarajan, Sunita
Remsen Hall 233
Fall 2024
This is a 3 credit lab that will serve as an introduction into analytical techniques and quantitative methods. There will be a 1 hour of pre-lab lecture component to this course to discuss the lab for that day.
This is a 3 credit lab that will serve as an introduction into analytical techniques and quantitative methods. There will be a 1 hour of pre-lab lecture component to this course to discuss the lab for that day.
Days/Times: M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, W 1:30PM - 6:00PM
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.245 (03)
Quantitative Analytical Laboratory
M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, F 1:30PM - 6:00PM
Thyagarajan, Sunita
Remsen Hall 233
Fall 2024
This is a 3 credit lab that will serve as an introduction into analytical techniques and quantitative methods. There will be a 1 hour of pre-lab lecture component to this course to discuss the lab for that day.
This is a 3 credit lab that will serve as an introduction into analytical techniques and quantitative methods. There will be a 1 hour of pre-lab lecture component to this course to discuss the lab for that day.
Days/Times: M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, F 1:30PM - 6:00PM
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.301 (01)
Physical Chemistry I
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Bragg, Art E
Remsen Hall 233
Fall 2024
The laws of thermodynamics, their statistical foundation, and their application to chemical phenomena. Studends should have knowledge of general physics, general chemistry, and calculus (two semesters recommended). Freshmen by permission only.
Physical Chemistry I AS.030.301 (01)
The laws of thermodynamics, their statistical foundation, and their application to chemical phenomena. Studends should have knowledge of general physics, general chemistry, and calculus (two semesters recommended). Freshmen by permission only.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Instructor: Bragg, Art E
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Open
Seats Available: 13/45
PosTag(s): BIOL-UL
AS.030.306 (01)
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory II
T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, Th 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Kempa, Thomas
Remsen Hall 140
Fall 2024
Designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry, introduce the student to spectroscopic techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this course rather than 030.307.
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory II AS.030.306 (01)
Designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry, introduce the student to spectroscopic techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this course rather than 030.307.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, Th 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Kempa, Thomas
Room: Remsen Hall 140
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.306 (02)
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory II
T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, T 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Kempa, Thomas
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) G86
Fall 2024
Designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry, introduce the student to spectroscopic techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this course rather than 030.307.
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory II AS.030.306 (02)
Designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry, introduce the student to spectroscopic techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this course rather than 030.307.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, T 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Kempa, Thomas
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) G86
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.309 (01)
Scientific Literacy and Nobel Prize Chemistry
TTh 3:00PM - 4:15PM
Bertacche, Alessandra
Remsen Hall 140
Fall 2024
In this class undergraduate students will be challenged to seek the connection between the material learned in class and recent scientific publications in the field. This course aim is to engage students with an organic chemistry background to think critically about major research publications, and to give them the tools to approach scientific literature with curiosity and confidence. Students will have the chance to read selected Nobel Prize winning scientific research from 2022 to 1902, from bioconjugation and click chemistry (2022) to molecular machines (2016), including capstones such as palladium catalyzed cross couplings (2010) to catalysis (2021). The aim is to build up an organic chemistry curriculum that will peak with the exploration of Retrosynthetic Analysis, introduced by E J Corey in 1990. This last concept will allow students to tackle overwhelming natural product synthesis papers, learning how to break down complex structures into simpler building blocks with recognizable reactivity. The introduction of high-stakes chemistry topics intro an upper-level course will allow students to ponder on their interests, future studies, or careers in the field.
Scientific Literacy and Nobel Prize Chemistry AS.030.309 (01)
In this class undergraduate students will be challenged to seek the connection between the material learned in class and recent scientific publications in the field. This course aim is to engage students with an organic chemistry background to think critically about major research publications, and to give them the tools to approach scientific literature with curiosity and confidence. Students will have the chance to read selected Nobel Prize winning scientific research from 2022 to 1902, from bioconjugation and click chemistry (2022) to molecular machines (2016), including capstones such as palladium catalyzed cross couplings (2010) to catalysis (2021). The aim is to build up an organic chemistry curriculum that will peak with the exploration of Retrosynthetic Analysis, introduced by E J Corey in 1990. This last concept will allow students to tackle overwhelming natural product synthesis papers, learning how to break down complex structures into simpler building blocks with recognizable reactivity. The introduction of high-stakes chemistry topics intro an upper-level course will allow students to ponder on their interests, future studies, or careers in the field.
Days/Times: TTh 3:00PM - 4:15PM
Instructor: Bertacche, Alessandra
Room: Remsen Hall 140
Status: Open
Seats Available: 13/16
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.421 (01)
Data Science Tools for the Chemical and Materials Sciences
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
McQueen, Tyrel
Remsen Hall 300
Fall 2024
Advances in measurement techniques and simulations have driven an explosion in the variety, quality, and quantity of data collected when investigating chemical and materials processes. Advances in computing have led to the practicality of machine learning (ML) and related analytical methods to explore and extract meaning from this cornucopia of data, and data science has been called the fourth pillar of the scientific method. This course will provide an introduction to modern tools of data science, including the Python programming language, Jupyter notebooks, ML algorithms and their practical implementation, and high performance computing, with specific emphasis on applying these tools to data of chemical relevance, including UV/Vis, IR and NMR spectra, 3-D micro computed tomography, and physical property data including specific heat, magnetization, and resistivity.
Data Science Tools for the Chemical and Materials Sciences AS.030.421 (01)
Advances in measurement techniques and simulations have driven an explosion in the variety, quality, and quantity of data collected when investigating chemical and materials processes. Advances in computing have led to the practicality of machine learning (ML) and related analytical methods to explore and extract meaning from this cornucopia of data, and data science has been called the fourth pillar of the scientific method. This course will provide an introduction to modern tools of data science, including the Python programming language, Jupyter notebooks, ML algorithms and their practical implementation, and high performance computing, with specific emphasis on applying these tools to data of chemical relevance, including UV/Vis, IR and NMR spectra, 3-D micro computed tomography, and physical property data including specific heat, magnetization, and resistivity.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: McQueen, Tyrel
Room: Remsen Hall 300
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/19
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.449 (01)
Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Thoi, Sara Sara
Krieger 170
Fall 2024
Physical and chemical properties of inorganic, coordination and organometallic compounds are discussed in terms of molecular orbital, ligand field and crystal field theories. Emphasis on structure and reactivity of these inorganic compounds. Other topics: magnetic properties, electronic spectra, magnetic resonance spectra, reaction kinetics.
Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds AS.030.449 (01)
Physical and chemical properties of inorganic, coordination and organometallic compounds are discussed in terms of molecular orbital, ligand field and crystal field theories. Emphasis on structure and reactivity of these inorganic compounds. Other topics: magnetic properties, electronic spectra, magnetic resonance spectra, reaction kinetics.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Thoi, Sara Sara
Room: Krieger 170
Status: Open
Seats Available: 13/50
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.452 (01)
Materials & Surface
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Fairbrother, D Howard
Remsen Hall 140
Fall 2024
The chemistry associated with surfaces and interfaces as well as a molecular level understanding of their essential roles in many technological fields. The first half of this course addresses various analytical techniques used to study surfaces including X-ray, photoelectron spectroscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. The second half of this course uses a number of case studies to illustrate the application of surface analytical techniques in contemporary research.
Materials & Surface AS.030.452 (01)
The chemistry associated with surfaces and interfaces as well as a molecular level understanding of their essential roles in many technological fields. The first half of this course addresses various analytical techniques used to study surfaces including X-ray, photoelectron spectroscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. The second half of this course uses a number of case studies to illustrate the application of surface analytical techniques in contemporary research.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Instructor: Fairbrother, D Howard
Room: Remsen Hall 140
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/18
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.453 (01)
Intermediate Quantum Chemistry
TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Cheng, Lan
Remsen Hall 300
Fall 2024
The principles of quantum mechanics are developed and applied to chemical problems.
Intermediate Quantum Chemistry AS.030.453 (01)
The principles of quantum mechanics are developed and applied to chemical problems.
Days/Times: TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Cheng, Lan
Room: Remsen Hall 300
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/19
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.456 (01)
Chemical Applications of Group Theory
MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Toscano, John P; Yarkony, David R
Remsen Hall 347
Fall 2024
This class will introduce group theory in the chemical/physical context. In addition to the fundamentals of (practical/applied) group theory, this course will explore how the tools of group theory enable powerful, general statements to be made about the behavior of chemical systems from the atomics scale to the macroscale, often without requiring detailed calculations or knowledge of most microscopic details. It is particularly targeted at upper level chemistry and physics undergraduates who have a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and a brief familiarity with linear algebra.
Chemical Applications of Group Theory AS.030.456 (01)
This class will introduce group theory in the chemical/physical context. In addition to the fundamentals of (practical/applied) group theory, this course will explore how the tools of group theory enable powerful, general statements to be made about the behavior of chemical systems from the atomics scale to the macroscale, often without requiring detailed calculations or knowledge of most microscopic details. It is particularly targeted at upper level chemistry and physics undergraduates who have a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and a brief familiarity with linear algebra.
Days/Times: MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Toscano, John P; Yarkony, David R
Room: Remsen Hall 347
Status: Open
Seats Available: 9/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.250.315 (01)
Biochemistry I
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Barrick, Doug; Nikolova, Evgenia Nikolaevna
Hodson 311
Fall 2024
Foundation for advanced classes in Biophysics and other quantitative biological disciplines. This class is the first semester of a two semester course in biochemistry. Topics in Biochemistry I include chemical and physical properties of biomolecules and energetic principles of catabolic pathways.
Biochemistry I AS.250.315 (01)
Foundation for advanced classes in Biophysics and other quantitative biological disciplines. This class is the first semester of a two semester course in biochemistry. Topics in Biochemistry I include chemical and physical properties of biomolecules and energetic principles of catabolic pathways.
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry II AS.030.102 (01)
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Instructor: McCartney, Stephanie A; Young, Jamie
Room: Mudd 26
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/210
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.102 (02)
Introductory Chemistry II
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM
McCartney, Stephanie A; Thyagarajan, Sunita
Remsen Hall 1
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry II AS.030.102 (02)
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry II AS.030.102 (03)
Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
Course is offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: McCartney, Stephanie A
Room: Mudd 26
Status: Open
Seats Available: 104/210
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.106 (01)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II AS.030.106 (01)
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: M 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 57/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.106 (02)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II AS.030.106 (02)
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 12/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.106 (03)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II AS.030.106 (03)
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: W 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.106 (04)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II AS.030.106 (04)
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: Th 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.106 (05)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
F 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II AS.030.106 (05)
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: F 1:30PM - 4:20PM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.106 (06)
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II
T 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Flynn, Steven
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II AS.030.106 (06)
Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Course offered in Spring and Summer terms only.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: Flynn, Steven
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) 286
Status: Open
Seats Available: 25/100
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (01)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (01)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (02)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (02)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (03)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (03)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (04)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (04)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (05)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (05)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (06)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (06)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (07)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (07)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (08)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (08)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (09)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, Th 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Klausen, Rebekka
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (09)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (10)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (11)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (12)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (13)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (14)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (15)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (16)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (17)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (18)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (19)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.206 (20)
Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Organic Chemistry II AS.030.206 (20)
Continuation of AS.030.205 Organic Chemistry I with special emphasis on organic synthesis and related synthetic methods. Students may not simultaneously enroll for AS.030.212 and AS.030.206.
Course only offered in Spring and Summer terms.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, T 6:00PM - 7:15PM
Instructor: Nsengiyumva, Olivier
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.212 (01)
Honors Organic Chemistry II
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, Th 9:00AM - 10:20AM
Lectka, Thomas
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
Second semester undergraduate organic chemistry from a more advanced prospective, emphasizing connections to modern examples from biochemistry (protein and DNA structure, chemical logic of metabolism, enzyme mechanisms), catalysis, materials (polymer synthesis, supramolecular chemistry), medicine (drug structure and function) and more. The standard topics of second semester organic chemistry (e.g. reactivity of aromatic and carbonyl-containing molecules) will all be covered, but amplified and enriched with topics as noted. Students may not simultaneously enroll in AS.030.212 and AS.030.206. Prereq: Must receive a B+ or better in the first semester (AS.030.205)
Honors Organic Chemistry II AS.030.212 (01)
Second semester undergraduate organic chemistry from a more advanced prospective, emphasizing connections to modern examples from biochemistry (protein and DNA structure, chemical logic of metabolism, enzyme mechanisms), catalysis, materials (polymer synthesis, supramolecular chemistry), medicine (drug structure and function) and more. The standard topics of second semester organic chemistry (e.g. reactivity of aromatic and carbonyl-containing molecules) will all be covered, but amplified and enriched with topics as noted. Students may not simultaneously enroll in AS.030.212 and AS.030.206. Prereq: Must receive a B+ or better in the first semester (AS.030.205)
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, M 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (02)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, T 12:30PM - 5:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, T 12:30PM - 5:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (03)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 1/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (04)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, Th 1:30PM - 6:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, Th 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.225 (05)
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory
T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
D'Souza, Larissa N
Hodson 110
Spring 2025
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Laboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Days/Times: T 9:00AM - 10:20AM, F 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: D'Souza, Larissa N
Room: Hodson 110
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/60
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.228 (01)
Intermediate Organic Chemistry Laboratory
F 1:30PM - 2:20PM, F 2:30PM - 5:00PM, M 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Hill, Eric
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
Lab skills already acquired in AS.030.225 will be further developed for synthesis, isolation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. Spectroscopic techniques, applications will be emphasized. Recommended Course Background: AS.030.225
Lab skills already acquired in AS.030.225 will be further developed for synthesis, isolation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. Spectroscopic techniques, applications will be emphasized. Recommended Course Background: AS.030.225
Days/Times: F 1:30PM - 2:20PM, F 2:30PM - 5:00PM, M 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Open
Seats Available: 1/30
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.228 (02)
Intermediate Organic Chemistry Laboratory
F 1:30PM - 2:20PM, T 1:30PM - 6:20PM, Th 1:30PM - 4:00PM
Hill, Eric
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
Lab skills already acquired in AS.030.225 will be further developed for synthesis, isolation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. Spectroscopic techniques, applications will be emphasized. Recommended Course Background: AS.030.225
Lab skills already acquired in AS.030.225 will be further developed for synthesis, isolation, purification, and identification of organic compounds. Spectroscopic techniques, applications will be emphasized. Recommended Course Background: AS.030.225
Days/Times: F 1:30PM - 2:20PM, T 1:30PM - 6:20PM, Th 1:30PM - 4:00PM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.302 (01)
Physical Chemistry II
MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Bowen, Kit H
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
Introduction to quantum mechanics, its application to simple problems for which classical mechanics fails. Topics: Harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom, very approximate treatments of atoms and molecules, and theoretical basis for spectroscopy. Recommended Course Background: AS.030.301
Physical Chemistry II AS.030.302 (01)
Introduction to quantum mechanics, its application to simple problems for which classical mechanics fails. Topics: Harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom, very approximate treatments of atoms and molecules, and theoretical basis for spectroscopy. Recommended Course Background: AS.030.301
Days/Times: MWF 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Instructor: Bowen, Kit H
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Open
Seats Available: 8/40
PosTag(s): BIOL-UL
AS.030.305 (01)
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory I
T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, T 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Fried, Stephen D
Ames 234
Spring 2025
This course is designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry and to introduce the student to techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this sequence of courses, rather than AS.030.307. Chemistry majors only.
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory I AS.030.305 (01)
This course is designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry and to introduce the student to techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this sequence of courses, rather than AS.030.307. Chemistry majors only.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, T 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Fried, Stephen D
Room: Ames 234
Status: Open
Seats Available: 8/16
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.305 (02)
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory I
T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, Th 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Fried, Stephen D
Ames 234
Spring 2025
This course is designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry and to introduce the student to techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this sequence of courses, rather than AS.030.307. Chemistry majors only.
Physical Chemistry Instrumentation Laboratory I AS.030.305 (02)
This course is designed to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry and to introduce the student to techniques and instruments used in modern chemical research. Chemistry majors are expected to take this sequence of courses, rather than AS.030.307. Chemistry majors only.
Days/Times: T 1:30PM - 2:20PM, Th 2:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Fried, Stephen D
Room: Ames 234
Status: Open
Seats Available: 13/16
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.310 (01)
Introduction to Research in Chemical Sciences (IRCS)
W 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Hill, Eric
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
Students will learn about the process behind modern chemical research, including the development of hypotheses, experimental design, statistical inference, scientific writing and communication, scientific ethics, and data presentation. Students will learn to become critical consumer of the primary scientific literature. Course will emphasize development of communication of research in the oral and written formats, which will be exercised through a peer-reviewed report, an oral presentation, and a poster presentation. The course has a once-weekly lecture component and also requires that students be working 10 hours per week in a research group pursuing a project of their own. A letter certifying the student is part of a research group and a suitable project has been discussed is required for enrollment to be approved.
Introduction to Research in Chemical Sciences (IRCS) AS.030.310 (01)
Students will learn about the process behind modern chemical research, including the development of hypotheses, experimental design, statistical inference, scientific writing and communication, scientific ethics, and data presentation. Students will learn to become critical consumer of the primary scientific literature. Course will emphasize development of communication of research in the oral and written formats, which will be exercised through a peer-reviewed report, an oral presentation, and a poster presentation. The course has a once-weekly lecture component and also requires that students be working 10 hours per week in a research group pursuing a project of their own. A letter certifying the student is part of a research group and a suitable project has been discussed is required for enrollment to be approved.
Days/Times: W 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Instructor: Hill, Eric
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Approval Required
Seats Available: 23/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.356 (01)
Advanced Inorganic Lab
M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Huang, Xiongyi
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
Laboratory designed to illustrate the principles and practice of inorganic chemistry through the synthesis and characterization of transition metal and organometallic compounds. Methods used include vacuum and inert atmosphere techniques. Instrumental approaches and modern spectroscopic techniques are applied to the characterization of compounds generated. It is strongly recommended that students have taken or are taking one of the following courses: AS.030.204, AS.030.442, AS.030.449, or AS.030.472.
Advanced Inorganic Lab AS.030.356 (01)
Laboratory designed to illustrate the principles and practice of inorganic chemistry through the synthesis and characterization of transition metal and organometallic compounds. Methods used include vacuum and inert atmosphere techniques. Instrumental approaches and modern spectroscopic techniques are applied to the characterization of compounds generated. It is strongly recommended that students have taken or are taking one of the following courses: AS.030.204, AS.030.442, AS.030.449, or AS.030.472.
Days/Times: M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, W 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Huang, Xiongyi
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.356 (02)
Advanced Inorganic Lab
M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, Th 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Huang, Xiongyi
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
Laboratory designed to illustrate the principles and practice of inorganic chemistry through the synthesis and characterization of transition metal and organometallic compounds. Methods used include vacuum and inert atmosphere techniques. Instrumental approaches and modern spectroscopic techniques are applied to the characterization of compounds generated. It is strongly recommended that students have taken or are taking one of the following courses: AS.030.204, AS.030.442, AS.030.449, or AS.030.472.
Advanced Inorganic Lab AS.030.356 (02)
Laboratory designed to illustrate the principles and practice of inorganic chemistry through the synthesis and characterization of transition metal and organometallic compounds. Methods used include vacuum and inert atmosphere techniques. Instrumental approaches and modern spectroscopic techniques are applied to the characterization of compounds generated. It is strongly recommended that students have taken or are taking one of the following courses: AS.030.204, AS.030.442, AS.030.449, or AS.030.472.
Days/Times: M 11:00AM - 11:50AM, Th 1:30PM - 6:30PM
Instructor: Huang, Xiongyi
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Open
Seats Available: 1/16
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.416 (01)
The Chemistry of Transition Metals in Biology
TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Goldberg, David P; Karlin, Kenneth D
Remsen Hall 140
Spring 2025
This course will cover fundamental principles in inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and spectroscopy that are important to the field of bioinorganic chemistry. Current topics in bioinorganic chemistry will be covered, including metalloenzyme structure and function and related synthetic model systems. An emphasis will be placed on the role of transition metals in these systems, and their chemical mechanisms. The collection and interpretation of data from modern bioinorganic spectroscopic tools (e.g. UV-vis, EPR, raman, Mössbauer, X-ray absorption) will be discussed in the context of these current topics.
The Chemistry of Transition Metals in Biology AS.030.416 (01)
This course will cover fundamental principles in inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and spectroscopy that are important to the field of bioinorganic chemistry. Current topics in bioinorganic chemistry will be covered, including metalloenzyme structure and function and related synthetic model systems. An emphasis will be placed on the role of transition metals in these systems, and their chemical mechanisms. The collection and interpretation of data from modern bioinorganic spectroscopic tools (e.g. UV-vis, EPR, raman, Mössbauer, X-ray absorption) will be discussed in the context of these current topics.
Days/Times: TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Goldberg, David P; Karlin, Kenneth D
Room: Remsen Hall 140
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.442 (01)
Organometallic Chemistry
MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Thyagarajan, Sunita
Remsen Hall 233
Spring 2025
An introduction to organometallic chemistry beginning with structure, bonding, and reactivity and continuing into applications to fine chemical synthesis and catalysis. Required Course Background: Organic chemistry- I and -II. Level: Upper level Undergraduate AND Graduate Students
Organometallic Chemistry AS.030.442 (01)
An introduction to organometallic chemistry beginning with structure, bonding, and reactivity and continuing into applications to fine chemical synthesis and catalysis. Required Course Background: Organic chemistry- I and -II. Level: Upper level Undergraduate AND Graduate Students
Days/Times: MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Thyagarajan, Sunita
Room: Remsen Hall 233
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/35
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.030.454 (01)
Electrochemistry for Energy Conversion and Storage
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Thoi, Sara Sara
Remsen Hall 300
Spring 2025
This half-semester course introduces fundamental concepts in electrochemistry and the application of electrochemical methods for chemical research. The goal of this course is to enable students to practice electrochemistry in laboratory for any field. We will discuss how to use electrochemistry as an analytical technique in your toolbox for understanding chemical reactions as well as the role of electrochemistry in energy conversion and storage.
Electrochemistry for Energy Conversion and Storage AS.030.454 (01)
This half-semester course introduces fundamental concepts in electrochemistry and the application of electrochemical methods for chemical research. The goal of this course is to enable students to practice electrochemistry in laboratory for any field. We will discuss how to use electrochemistry as an analytical technique in your toolbox for understanding chemical reactions as well as the role of electrochemistry in energy conversion and storage.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Thoi, Sara Sara
Room: Remsen Hall 300
Status: Open
Seats Available: 11/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.250.310 (01)
Exploring Protein Biophysics using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Majumdar, Ananya
UG Teaching Lab (UTL) G89
Spring 2025
NMR is a spectroscopic technique which provides unique, atomic level insights into the inner workings of biomolecules in aqueous solution and solid state. A wide variety of biophysical properties can be studied by solution state NMR, such as the three dimensional structures of biological macromolecules, their dynamical properties in solution, interactions with other molecules and their physical and chemical properties which modulate structure-function relationships (such electrostatics and redox chemistry). NMR exploits the exquisite sensitivity of magnetic properties of atomic nuclei to their local electronic (and therefore, chemical) environment. As a result, biophysical properties can be studied at atomic resolution, and the global properties of a molecule can be deconstructed in terms of detailed, atomic level information. In addition, interactions between nuclei can be exploited to enhance the information content of NMR spectra via multidimensional (2D and 3D) spectroscopy. Since these properties can be studied in solution, NMR methods serve as an effective complement to X-Ray crystallography and electron microscopy. In this course, we will learn about the basics of NMR spectroscopy, acquire 1D and 2D NMR spectra and use various NMR experiments to characterize and probe biophysical properties of proteins at an atomic level.
Exploring Protein Biophysics using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy AS.250.310 (01)
NMR is a spectroscopic technique which provides unique, atomic level insights into the inner workings of biomolecules in aqueous solution and solid state. A wide variety of biophysical properties can be studied by solution state NMR, such as the three dimensional structures of biological macromolecules, their dynamical properties in solution, interactions with other molecules and their physical and chemical properties which modulate structure-function relationships (such electrostatics and redox chemistry). NMR exploits the exquisite sensitivity of magnetic properties of atomic nuclei to their local electronic (and therefore, chemical) environment. As a result, biophysical properties can be studied at atomic resolution, and the global properties of a molecule can be deconstructed in terms of detailed, atomic level information. In addition, interactions between nuclei can be exploited to enhance the information content of NMR spectra via multidimensional (2D and 3D) spectroscopy. Since these properties can be studied in solution, NMR methods serve as an effective complement to X-Ray crystallography and electron microscopy. In this course, we will learn about the basics of NMR spectroscopy, acquire 1D and 2D NMR spectra and use various NMR experiments to characterize and probe biophysical properties of proteins at an atomic level.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Majumdar, Ananya
Room: UG Teaching Lab (UTL) G89
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.250.316 (01)
Biochemistry II
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Rokita, Steven; Woodson, Sarah
Gilman 377
Spring 2025
Biochemical anabolism, nucleic acid structure, molecular basis of transcription, translation and regulation, signal transduction with an emphasis on physical concepts and chemical mechanisms. Format will include lectures and class discussion of readings from the literature.
Biochemistry II AS.250.316 (01)
Biochemical anabolism, nucleic acid structure, molecular basis of transcription, translation and regulation, signal transduction with an emphasis on physical concepts and chemical mechanisms. Format will include lectures and class discussion of readings from the literature.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Instructor: Rokita, Steven; Woodson, Sarah
Room: Gilman 377
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.250.372 (01)
Biophysical Chemistry
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Barrick, Doug
Hodson 311
Spring 2025
Course covers classical and statistical thermodynamics, spanning from simple to complex systems. Major topics include the first and second law, gases, liquids, chemical mixtures and reactions, partition functions, conformational transitions in peptides and proteins, ligand binding, and allostery. Methods for thermodynamic analysis will be discussed, including calorimetry and spectroscopy. Students will develop and apply different thermodynamic potentials, learn about different types of ensembles and partition functions. Students will learn to use Python
and will use it for data fitting and for statistical and mathematical analysis. Background: Calculus and Introductory Physics.
Biophysical Chemistry AS.250.372 (01)
Course covers classical and statistical thermodynamics, spanning from simple to complex systems. Major topics include the first and second law, gases, liquids, chemical mixtures and reactions, partition functions, conformational transitions in peptides and proteins, ligand binding, and allostery. Methods for thermodynamic analysis will be discussed, including calorimetry and spectroscopy. Students will develop and apply different thermodynamic potentials, learn about different types of ensembles and partition functions. Students will learn to use Python
and will use it for data fitting and for statistical and mathematical analysis. Background: Calculus and Introductory Physics.
Days/Times: MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM, F 12:00PM - 12:50PM