Each student’s background and interests determine the course of study. The Johns Hopkins University graduate program in chemistry leads to the PhD degree. Students are not accepted into the program for a terminal MA degree.
Requirements for the PhD Degree in Chemistry
- Six one-semester graduate courses in chemistry and related sciences. Three of those six courses must be chosen from the list of Core Courses. Exceptionally well-prepared students may ask for a reduction of these requirements. Minimally, an overall B (3.0) grade average must be attained.
- Participation in a departmental seminar series
- A research dissertation worthy of publication
- Knowledge of chemistry and related material as demonstrated in a Graduate Board Oral examination
- Serve as a teaching assistant for at least one year
Requirements for the MA Degree in Chemistry
- Six one-semester graduate courses in chemistry and related sciences. Three of those six courses must be chosen from the list of Core Courses. Exceptionally well-prepared students may ask for a reduction of these requirements. Minimally, an overall B (3.0) grade average must be attained.
- Knowledge of chemistry and related material as demonstrated in a Graduate Board oral examination.
Core Courses
030.442 Organometallic Chemistry
030.449 Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds
030.451 Spectroscopy
030.452 Materials and Surface
030.453 Intermediate Quantum Mechanics
030.601 Statistical Mechanics
030.610 Chemical Kinetics
030.619 Chemical Biology (team taught)
030.625 Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry I
030.626 Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry II
030.677 Advanced Organic Synthesis I
To see a complete list of courses offered and their descriptions, visit the online course catalog. For current course schedule information and registration, visit SIS.
For more information, contact the Director of Graduate Studies.
Dr. Art Bragg
Office: Remsen 221