75th Ira Remsen Memorial Lecture

Prof. Todd Martinez, Stanford University "Discovering Chemistry and Photochemistry From First Principles Molecular Dynamics"Pre-seminar refreshments 6:00 PM, Remsen BreezewayReception immediately following, Remsen Breezeway

The Ephraim and Wilma Shaw Roseman Seminar Series presents Itay Budin

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Itay Budin, University of Chicago, San Diego “How lipid chemistry shapes biology: from the organelles of our cells to the bottom of the earth’s oceans” Small changes in the structure of lipids can have dramatic effects on the properties and dynamics of cell membranes. Our group develops new tools for studying lipid biology and applies them to understanding how […]

The Ephraim and Wilma Shaw Roseman Seminar Series presents Eric Gale

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Eric Gale, Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard University  “Leveraging the Aqueous Iron Chemistry to Develop Imaging Probes and Drugs” In aqueous solution, iron (Fe) can adopt different oxidation states and engage in diverse chemical speciation with discrete complexes exhibiting distinct magnetic properties. We are capitalizing on this rich chemistry to develop magnetic resonance (MR) imaging […]

The Ephraim and Wilma Shaw Roseman Seminar Series presents Professor Michael D. Schulz

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Michael D. Schulz, Virginia Tech “Exploring the connections between chelating polymer structure and rare-earth element binding thermodynamics” Rare-earth elements (REEs: La–Lu, Y, and Sc) are integral to modern technology, but as technological development continues, world demand for these metals will increasingly outpace supply. Consequently, new and sustainable sources are needed, as well as more […]

The Ephraim and Wilma Shaw Roseman Seminar Series presents Professor Donald Hilvert

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Donald Hilvert, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland. “Design can pave the way to fully programmable enzyme catalysts” Biocatalysis is emerging as a key enabling technology for the development of a greener and more efficient chemical industry. Because natural enzymes are seldom suitable for direct use in chemical processes, however, protein engineering […]

Timothy A. Su on Sila-Diamondoids

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Timothy A. Su, University of California Riverside “Sila-Diamondoids: Atomically Precise Nanoclusters of Crystalline Silicon” This talk will describe the synthesis, derivatization, and quantum transport properties of silicon diamondoids—atomically precise clusters of crystalline silicon. First, we describe strategies for the synthesis and functionalization of the fundamental silicon diamondoid cluster, sila-adamantane. Mechanistic insights support that an […]

Professor Robert Continetti

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Robert Continetti, University of California San Diego “Transition State Dynamics and Hypervelocity Ice Grain Impact Mass Spectrometry” Review studies using the photodetachment of precursor negative ions to examine the transition state dynamics of hydroxyl radical reactions. In cases where the anion has a geometry similar to the transition-state region for a bimolecular neutral reaction, […]

Atomic-scale insights into electrocatalyst structure and function

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Anthony Shoji Hall, Johns Hopkins University “Atomic-scale Insights into Electrocatalyst Structure and Function” ABSTRACT: The development of efficient renewable energy conversion and storage devices to curb climate change is one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. This can be addressed by using renewable electricity to manufacture chemical fuels and synthetic precursors, or […]

Professor Xue-Bin Wang

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Xue-Bin Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory “Probing Structures, Energetics and Reactivities of Anionic Molecules and Clusters Using Cryogenic Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Imaging” Size-selective cryogenic photoelectron spectroscopy (cryoPES) coupled with electrospray ionization (ESI) source has been demonstrated to be a powerful experimental technique to investigate electronic structures and energetics of a wide variety of solution […]

CAFS Guest Speaker Professor Brenda Rubenstein

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Brenda Rubenstein, Brown University “Predicting the Relative Populations of Protein Conformations without a Physics Engine Using AlphaFold 2” For decades, the conventional way to predict the different conformations of proteins and their relative populations has been to use relatively expensive physics-based algorithms such as molecular dynamics. However, in recent years, an increasing number of […]