JHU Open House & Core Facility Tour

Thursday, October 54 pm - 5:30 pmJHU Open House & Core Facility TourRemsen Hall 233https://goo.gl/maps/WhEjo7CAdi4vUaDG9Reception to follow - See attached flyer for details

Remsen Lecture

Thursday, October 5, 2023 Remsen 101 6:30 PM Pre-Seminar Refreshments 6:00PM, Remsen 140 Reception immediately to follow, Remsen 140

Professor Masha Kamenetska

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Masha Kamenetska, Boston University “Recent Developments in Single Molecule Conductance Spectroscopy” Techniques for forming and quantifying electron transport through single molecule-metal junctions have advanced in recent years.  The implications of such measurements go beyond single molecule electronics and include chemical fingerprinting of metal-molecule interface atomic structure, quantum sensing and development of surface chemistry techniques. […]

Professor Jared Lewis

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Jared Lewis , Indiana University "Non-Native Enzyme Catalysis” Metalloenzymes perform some of the most remarkable transformations in nature under ambient conditions in complex cellular milieu, but their native reactivity is limited to biologically relevant reactions. Non-native enzyme catalysis brings the exquisite selectivity of enzymes to bear on chemical reactions that did not happen to […]

Professor Alexandra Velian

Remsen Hall 233

Professor Alexandra Velian , University of Washington "Molecular Insights into Metal-Support Interactions for Catalyst Design” A central research goal in the Velian group is to create next-generation single atom catalysts poised to harness the cooperativity between the active site and chemically non-innocent supports. To emulate defect sites in inorganic heterogeneous catalysts in a controlled fashion, […]

Dr. Gaoxiang Liu

Remsen Hall 233

Dr. Gaoxiang Liu, Berkeley Advanced Optical Imaging Platforms for Visualizing Subcellular Dynamics with High Spatiotemporal Resolution and Imaging Macroscale Neural Circuits with Nanoscale Resolution Life is an intricate and dynamic entity, rooted in the complex interactions of molecules and subcellular structures within cells and across multicellular systems. The advancement of light microscopy techniques has significantly […]

Dr. Rachel Slack

ABSTRACT: FMC’s Agrochemical Discovery of a Novel Mode-of-Action Aryl Pyrrolidinone Anilide: A First-in-Class Herbicide that Inhibits Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase Alison Levens, Ph.D. and Rachel D. Slack, Ph.D. FMC | An Agricultural Sciences Company, Stine Research Center, Newark, Delaware, 19711 Feeding the growing global population has become one of the greatest concerns of the 21st century. Crop […]

Dr. Justin Lee

Dr. Justin Lee, Yale Abstract: Metal ions are ubiquitous in biology & materials and aid in facilitating many chemical transformations. For instance, iron–oxido and –hydroxido species are proposed to be key intermediates in oxidative processes catalyzed by non-heme iron proteins. To investigate the properties of both mono- and bimetallic cores, I have developed a symmetric […]

Dr. Suman Gunasekaran

Dr. Suman Gunasekaran, Cornell Investigating molecules in strongly interacting electronic and photonic environments Abstract: When molecules strongly couple to external electronic or photonic states, new hybrid systems emerge with novel chemical and physical properties. In the first part of my talk, I will present experimental and theoretical results probing molecular junctions, which comprise a single […]

Dr. Grace Panetti

Remsen Hall 233

Dr. Grace Panetti, Princeton Combining photophysics and inorganic synthesis to target small molecule activation and production: From methane to ammonia The transformation of small molecules into more valuable and complex materials represents a persistent challenge of chemistry. Often the activation of these small molecules, such as methane and dinitrogen, is made difficult due to both […]

ACS Chemist of the Year Award Presentation

Congratulations to Dr. David Goldberg who has been awarded the ACS 2023 Maryland Chemist of the Year for his outstanding contributions to inorganic chemistry. “Heme and Nonheme Transition Metal Centers: Synthetic Biomimetic Complexes for Small Molecule Activation, Mechanistic Insights, and Catalysis”Small molecule activation by transition metal centers is at the heart of chemistry and biology. […]