News & Announcements Archive

Johns Hopkins Discovery Awards: 2022 Awardees

Congratulations to Professor’s Sara Thoi, Rebekka Klausen and Xiongyi Huang for being a part of 35 faculty teams across twelve units of Johns Hopkins to receive Hopkins Discovery Awards!

Jinyan Rui, Qun Zhao, and Anthony Huls published in Science

Jinyan Rui, Qun Zhao, and Anthony Huls published in Science

The three were published in the May 2022 issue of Science for their work on engineering nonheme iron enzymes for new-to-nature chemistry Despite the rapid development of enzymes for non-natural […]

Journal of the American Chemical Society – Marco Jacinto

Journal of the American Chemical Society – Marco Jacinto

Congratulations to Marco Jacinto of the Greenberg group on his publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society in collaboration with Professor Fried! Marco reports that a commonly formed […]

2022 Student Awards and Fellowships

Sarah and Adolph Roseman Achievement Award – $1000, in recognition of outstanding research accomplishment in chemistry. Awardee – Tanya Berry Ernest M. Marks Award – $1,000, in recognition of teaching excellence. […]

Professor Kempa awarded the DARPA Young Faculty Award

Professor Kempa awarded the DARPA Young Faculty Award

Congratulations to Professor Tom Kempa for being awarded the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award! Awarded annually to approximately 20 early career scientists who are within the […]

Professors Tom Kempa and Sara Thoi awarded the 2022 Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award

Professors Tom Kempa and Sara Thoi awarded the 2022 Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award

Congratulations to Professors Tom Kempa and Sara Thoi for being awarded the 2022 Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award! Tom and Sara were among 38 awardees across all schools of the university. […]

Professor Sara Thoi Awarded the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholars for 2022

Professor Sara Thoi Awarded the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholars for 2022

Congratulations to Professor Sara Thoi for being selected as one of the 18 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholars for 2022! These faculty are within the first five years of their academic careers, […]

Yuki Osumi receives the NDSEG fellowship

Yuki Osumi receives the NDSEG fellowship

Yuki has been awarded the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship (NDSEG), which will support his research for 3 years. He will continue the development of battery materials using […]

Xin (Jason) Zhang Receives Summer PURA Award

Xin (Jason) Zhang Receives Summer PURA Award

Congratulations on Xin (Jason) Zhang on being chosen as a recipient of a Summer PURA award! The funding will allow Jason to continue a project started under and developed by […]

Congratulations to Dr. Tyrel McQueen for being selected as one of the three speakers in the opening Keynote session of ACS

Congratulations to Dr. Tyrel McQueen for being selected as one of the three speakers in the opening Keynote session of ACS

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring 2022 opening session will focus on how the theory of chemical bonding can take on a fresh spin and impact the rapidly rising field […]