The ACS Physical Chemistry Division gives this award out annually to early and senior career professionals to recognize their profound achievements within the division. Dr. Yarkony is being awarded “for […]
News & Announcements Archive
Prof. Thoi receives the NSF CAREER Award!
The Thoi group will be funded by the National Science Foundation to study the redox behavior of MOFs for energy storage devices through a prestigious CAREER Award. Congrats, Dr. Thoi!
New delocalization pathways in conjugated materials
In a collaboration with chemists at Georgetown University and University of Oregon, the Tovar group engineered radial conjugation pathways into pi-conjugated systems that are traditionally made up of linear pathways. Read […]
Kempa Group Featured in JHU Hub Article
The JHU Hub documented the Kempa group’s breakthrough in nanocrystal synthesis that was recently published in Nature Nanotechnology. Read the article describing this research and its implications for quantum information […]
Thoi/Klausen Collaboration: David Burns and Eric Press published in Angewandte Chemie
Congratulations to David (Thoi lab) and Eric (Klausen lab) for their publication in Angewandte Chemie on switchable multi-state frameworks! Check out their paper here.