Thomas Kempa, Rebekka Klausen and Thomas Lectka win Discovery Awards

In 2024, 44 Discovery Awards were given to interdisciplinary faculty teams across eleven units of Johns Hopkins.

The Discovery Awards encourage faculty from various disciplines to collaborate in addressing multifaceted challenges and pushing the boundaries of understanding. 2024 awarded projects will launch a wide range of inquiry – creating DNA-based hydrogel bioinks with enhanced mechanical properties for advanced 3D bioprinting applications, such as smart bandages, biosensors, and water filtration membranes, gaining a better understanding of how trust in the healthcare system is formed and how it influences patient behavior and outcomes, with the goal of identifying strategies to improve trust and, consequently, public health, and designing a novel influenza vaccine to overcome the challenges of immunosenescence and inflammaging in the elderly, which currently limit the effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccines. Altogether, the winning project teams—chosen from 286 proposals—include 148 individuals representing 11 Johns Hopkins entities.

Here is the complete list of Discovery Award 2024 Awardees.

Congratulations on winning this well-deserved award.