Chairman Yarkony Receives 2020 Chemist of the Year Award

David Yarkony

Established in 1962, each year the Maryland section of ACS recognizes and selects a chemist for their outstanding achievements in the field of pure or applied chemistry, chemical engineering or chemical education. Dr. David Yarkony, current chairman of the chemistry department, was selected as the 2020 Chemist of the Year!

Dr. Yarkony will be giving a talk titled Conical Intersections Can Ruin a Perfectly Good Approximation- the Born Oppenheimer Approximation on December 9th at 7:00pm EST. To RSVP for the zoom event, please contact Angela Sherman ( for more information.

To learn more about the Maryland Chemist of the Year Award and previous recipients, go to:

Congrats, Dr. Yarkony!