- Knox, EJ; Sinner, EK; Townsend, CA; Boal, SJ; Booker, SJ.; Structure of a B12-dependent radical SAM enzyme in carbapenem biosynthesis. Nature. 2022, 602, 343-348, 10.1038/s41586-021-04392-4.
- Sinner, E.K.; Marous, D.R.; Townsend, C.A.; Evolution of Methods for the Study of Cobalamin-Dependent Radical SAM Enzymes. ACS Bio Med Chem Au. 2021, 10.1021/acsbiomedchemau.1c00032.
- Zandi, T.A.; Townsend, C.A.; Competing off-loading mechanisms of meropenem from an L,D-transpeptidase reduce antibiotic effectiveness. PNAS. 2021, 118 (27), 10.1073/pnas.2008610118.
- Long, D.H.; Townsend, C.A.; Acyl Donor Stringency and Dehydroaminoacyl Intermediates in β‑Lactam Formation by a Non-ribosomal Peptide Synthetase. ACS Chem. Biol. 2021, 16, 806-812.
- Wheadon, M.J.; Townsend, C.A.; Evolutionary and functional analysis of an NRPS condensation domain integrates β-lactam, D-amino acid, and dehydroamino acid synthesis. PNAS. 2021, 118 (17), 10.1073/pnas.2026017118.
- Batchelder, H.R.; Story-Roller, E.; Lloyd, E.P.; Kaushik, A; Bigelow, K.M.; Maggioncalda, E.M.; Nuermberger, E.L.; Lamichhane, G.; Townsend, C.A.; Development of a penem antibiotic against Mycobacteroides abscessus. Commun. Biol. 3, 741 (2020). 10.1038/s42003-020-01475-2.
- Cohen, D. R.; Townsend, C. A.; C-N Coupled Metabolites Yield Insights into Dynemicin A Biosynthesis. ChemBioChem. 2020, 10.1002/cbic.202000177.
- Sinner, E. K.; Lichstrahl, M. S.; Li, R.; Marous, D. R.; Townsend, C. A.; Methylations in complex carbapenem biosynthesis are catalyzed by a single cobalamin-dependent radical S-adenosylmethionine enzyme. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55 (99), 14934-14937.
- Patel, K.D.; d’Andrea, F.B; Gaudelli, N.M.; Buller, A.R.; Townsend, C.A.; Gulick, A.M.; Structure of a bound peptide phosphonate reveals the mechanism of nocardicin bifunctional thioesterase epimerase-hydrolase half-reactions. Nature Comm. 2019. Aug 27. 10:3868.
- d’Andrea F.B.; Townsend C.A.; Late-Stage Conversion of Diphenylphosphonate to Fluorophosphonate Probes for the Investigation of Serine Hydrolases. Cell Chem Biol. 2019 Mar 20. pii: S2451-9456(19)30075-3.
- Storm PA, Pal P, Huitt-Roehl CR, Townsend CA.; “Exploring fungal polyketide C-methylation through combinatorial domain swaps.” ACS Chem. Biol., 2018, 13 (11), 3043–3048
- Ronnie de Jonge, Malaika K. Ebert, Callie R. Huitt-Roehl, Paramita Pal, Jeffrey C. Suttle, Rebecca E. Spanner, Jonathan D. Neubauer, Wayne M. Jurick, Karina A. Stott, Gary A. Secor, Bart P. H. J. Thomma, Yves Van de Peer, Craig A. Townsend, Melvin D. Bolton.; “Gene cluster conservation provides insight into cercosporin biosynthesis and extends production to the genus Colletotrichum.” PNAS. 2018, 115 (24), E5459-E5466.
- Long, D.H.; Townsend, C.A.; “Mechanism of integrated β-lactam formation by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase during antibiotic synthesis.” Biochemistry. 2018, 57 (24), 3353-3358.
- Saraiva, R.G.; Huitt-Roehl, C.R.; Tripathi, A.; Cheng Y.Q.; Bosch, J.; Townsend, C.A.; Dimopoulos, G.; “Chromobacterium spp. mediate their anti-Plasmodium activity through secretion of the histone deacetylase inhibitor romidepsin.” Sci. Rep. 2018, 8 Article: 6176.
- Herbst, D.A.; Huitt-Roehl, C.R.; Jakob, R.P.; Kravetz, J.M.; Storm, P.A.; Townsend, C.A.; Maier, T.; “The structural organization of substrate loading in iterative polyketide synthases.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2018, 14(5), 474-479.
- Cohen, D.R.; Townsend, C.A.; “Characterization of an anthracene intermediate in dynemicin biosynthesis.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57(20), 5650-5654.Designated VIP: Very Important Paper
- Storm, P.A.; Townsend, C.A.; “In trans hydrolysis of carrier protein-bound acyl intermediates by CitA during citrinin biosynthesis.” Chem. Commun. 2018,54, 50-53.
- Oliver, R.A.; Li, R.F.; Townsend, C.A.; “Monobactam formation in sulfazecin by a nonribosomal peptide synthetase thioesterase.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2018,14, 5-7.
- Cohen, D.R.; Townsend, C.A.; “A dual role for a polyketide synthase in dynemicin enediyne and anthraquinone biosynthesis.” Nat. Chem. 2018, 10, 231-236.
- Horsman, M.E.; Marous, D.R.; Li, R.; Oliver, R.A.; Byun, B.; Emrich, S.J.; Boggess, B.; Townsend, C.A.; Mobashery S. “Whole-genome shotgun sequencing of two β-proteobacterial species in search of the bulgecin cluster.” ACS Chem. Biol. 2017, 12(10), 2552-2557.
- Mattoo, R.; Lloyd, E.P.; Kaushik, A.; Kumar, P.; Brunelle, J.L.; Townsend, C.A.; Lamichhane, G. “LdtMav2, a nonclassical transpeptidase and susceptibility of Mycobacterium avium to carbapenems.” Future Microbiol. 2017
- Bianchet, M.A.; Pan, Y.H.; Basta, L.A.B.; Saavedra, H.; Lloyd, E.P.; Kumar, P.; Mattoo, R.; Townsend, C.A.; Lamichhane, G. “Structural insight into the inactivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis non-classical transpeptidase LdtMt2 by biapenem and tebipenem.” BMC Biochem.2017, 18, 1-14.
- Barajas, J.F.; Shakya, G.; Moreno, G.; Rivera, Jr., H.; Jackson, D.R.; Topper, C.L.; Vagstad, A.L.; La Clair, J.J.; Townsend, C.A.; Burkart, M.D.; Tsai, S.C. “Polyketide mimetics yield structural and mechanistic insights into product template domain function in nonreducing polyketide synthases.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2017, 114, E4142-E4148.
- Storm, P.A.; Herbst, D.A.; Maier, T.; Townsend, C.A. “Functional and Structural Analysis of Programmed C-Methylation in the Biosynthesis of the Fungal Polyketide Citrinin.” Cell Chemical Biology 2017, 24, 316-325.
- Li, R.; Oliver, R.A.; Townsend, C.A. “Identification and Characterization of the Sulfazecin Monobactam Biosynthetic Gene Cluster.” Cell Chemical Biology 2016, 24, 24-34.
- Kumar, P.; Kaushik, A.; Lloyd, E.P.; Li, S-G.; Mattoo, R.; Ammerman, N.C.; Bell, D.T.; Perryman, A.L.; Zandi, T.A.; Ekin, S.; Ginell, S.L.; Townsend, C.A.; Freundlich, J.S.; Lamichhane, G. “Non-classical transpeptidases yield insight into new antibacterials.” Nat. Chem. Biol.2016, 13, 54-61.
- Townsend, C. A. “Convergent biosynthetic pathways to β-lactam antibiotics.” Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2016, 35, 97-108.
- Barajas, J.F.; Finzel, K.; Valentic, T.R.; Shakya, G.; Gamarra, N.; Martinez, D.; Meier, J.L.; Vagstad, A.L.; Newman, A.G.; Townsend, C.A.; Burkart, M.D.; Tsai, S-C. “Structural and Biochemical Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions Between the Acyl Carrier Protein and Product Template Domain.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13005-13009.
- Zhou, J.; Outlaw, V.K.; Townsend, C. A.; Bragg, A.E. “Quenching of pH-Responsive Luminescence in a Benzoindolizine Sensor by Ultrafast Hydrogen Shift.” Chemistry 2016, 22, 15212-15215.
- Outlaw, V.K.; Zhou, J.; Bragg, A.E.; Townsend, C. A.; Bragg, A.E. “Unusual blue-shifted acid-responsive photoluminescence behavior in 6-amino-8-cyanobenzo[1,2-b]indolizines.” RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 61249.
- Newman, A.G.; Townsend, C. A. “Molecular Characterization of the Cercosporin Biosynthetic Pathway in the Fungal Plant Pathogen Cercospora nicotianae.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138(12), 4219-4228.
Craig Townsend
Alsoph H. Corwin Professor
Contact Information
- ctownsend@jhu.edu
- Curriculum Vitae
- Remsen 252
- 410-516-7444
- Google Scholar Profile
Research Interests: Organic and bioorganic chemistry
Education: PhD, Yale University
Craig A. Townsend is the Alsoph H. Corwin Professor of Chemistry and holds joint appointments in the Departments of Biology and Biophysics and affiliations and collaborations in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
His research interests are in the chemistry of natural products and the interface of organic chemistry, biology and medicine: stereochemical and mechanistic studies of principal biosynthetic enzymes and their engineering/directed evolution for synthetic ends; chemoenzymatic synthesis; enzymology and molecular biology of polyketides and beta-lactam antibiotics; drug design and clinical applications against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, tuberculosis and malaria; structural studies of biosynthetic enzymes.
Professor Townsend has been a Research Fellow of the A. P. Sloan Foundation, a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar; he has received the Maryland Chemist of the Year award, an Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award and the A. I. Scott Medal from the American Chemical Society, and the Stuart Pharmaceuticals (now Astra Zeneca) Award in Chemistry. He has served on NIH Study Sections as a regular and ad hoc member, and is on the Editorial Boards for Cell Chemical Biology and Helvetica Chimica Acta.
He was co-chairman and cofounder of the Bioorganic Chemistry Gordon Conference and has served as an at-large member on the governing Council of the Gordon Research Conferences. He has advised the Office of Technology Assessment, the American Chemical Society and the National Institutes of Health, and he has served as a consultant for large and small pharma.
Research in the Townsend Lab is driven by fundamental interests in natural products: their chemistry, biosynthesis, combinatorial and engineered biosynthesis, enzyme mechanism, drug design and synthesis to combat infectious diseases, cancer and obesity. The diversity of our research is reflected in the students who comprise the lab, coming from programs in Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Pharmacology, Biology, and Molecular Biophysics. Our lab has major strengths in the techniques of organic chemistry, molecular biology, mechanistic enzymology, microbiology, and bioinformatics.
Iterative polyketide natural products
Polyketide natural products encompass a structurally and functionally diverse family of molecules. Our long-standing interest in the biosynthesis of aflatoxin, a potent environmental carcinogen, led to groundbreaking results on the function of the polyketide synthases (PKS) responsible for the ‘programmed’ synthesis and complex regioselective cyclization of linear precursors. Current efforts are focused on understanding the PKS enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of calicheamicin, cercosporin, aromatic polyketides and mycotoxins.
Papers of Significant Interest
- Crawford, J. M.; Townsend, C. A. “New insights into the formation of fungal aromatic polyketides,” Nature Rev. Microbiol.2010, 12, 879-889.
- Crawford, J. M.; Korman, T. P.; Labonte, J. W.; Vagstad, A. L.; Hill, E. A.; Kamari-Bidkorpeh, O.; Tsai, S.-C.; Townsend, C. A. “Structural Basis for Biosynthetic Programming of Fungal Aromatic Polyketide Cyclization,” Nature 2009, 461, 1139-1143.
- Udwary, D. W.; Merski, M.; Townsend, C. A. “A Method for Prediction of the Locations of Linker Regions Within Large Multifunctional Proteins, and Application to a Type I Polyketide Synthase,” J. Mol. Biol. 2002, 323, 585-598.
- Minto, R. E.; Townsend, C. A. “Enzymology and Molecular Biology of Aflatoxin Biosynthesis,” Chem. Rev. 1997, 97, 2537-2555.
Biosynthesis of β-lactam antibiotics
Penicillins and cephalosporins are therapeutic mainstays in human medicine and whose industrial production has benefited from classic research into their biosynthesis. However, other clinically effective β-lactam drugs are related to natural products whose biosynthesis is less well understood. We have elucidated the biosynthetic pathway of the simple carbapenem and determined the function of key enzymes in the production of clavulanic acid, thienamycin, and nocardicin. We continue to study these natural products using a combination of synthetic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and bioinformatics.
Papers of Significant Interest
- Bodner, M. J.; Phelan, R. M.; Townsend, C. A. “A Catalytic Asymmetric Route to Carbapenems,” Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 3606-3609.
- Townsend, C. A. “New Reactions in Clavulanic Acid Biosynthesis,” Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2002, 6, 583-589.
- Li, R.; Stapon, A.; Blanchfield, J. T.; Townsend, C. A. “Three Unusual Reactions Mediate Carbapenem and Carbapenam Biosynthesis,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 9296-9297.
- Bachmann, B. O.; Li, R.; Townsend, C. A. “β-Lactam Synthetase: A New Biosynthetic Enzyme,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1998, 95, 9082-9086.
Metabolic and enzyme engineering
The natural products we study are often related to chemicals that are of pharmaceutical or industrial interest. We have probed how biosynthetic enzymes involved in both polyketide and β-lactam biosynthesis may be altered to produce new compounds and how metabolic engineering may be used to make strains with desirable chemical properties.
Papers of Significant Interest
- Sokha, T.; Heins, R. A.; Phelan, R. M.; Greisler, J. M.; Townsend, C. A.; Ostermeier, M. “An Externally Tunable Bacterial Band-Pass Filter,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2009, 106, 10135-10140
- Li, R.; Townsend, C. A. “Rational Strain Improvement for Enhanced Clavulanic Acid Production by Genetic Engineering of the Glycolytic Pathway in Streptomyces clavuligerus,” Metabol. Eng. 2006, 8, 240-252.Muller, U.; van Assema, F.; Gunsior, M.; Orf, S.; Kremer, S.; Schipper, D.; Wagemans, A.; Townsend, C; Sonke, T.; Bovenberg, R.; Wubbolts, M. “Metabolic Engineering of the E. coli l-Phenylalanine pathway for the production of d-Phenylglycine (d-Phg),” Metabol. Eng. 2006, 8, 196-208.
Mechanistic Enzymology
Biosynthetic enzymes often perform chemically difficult and mechanistically interesting reactions. Our discovery and study of β-lactam synthetases has led to a thorough understanding of their chemical mechanism and has shown how protein dynamics affect catalysis. We continue to investigate complex molecular phenomena catalyzed by biosynthetic enzymes such as regiospecific polyketide cyclization , protein autoproteolysis, and remarkably diverse chemical reactions coupled to thioesterase activity.
Papers of Significant Interest
- Buller, A.R.; Townsend, C. A. “Intrinsic Evolutionary Constraints on Protease Structure, Enzyme Acylation, and the Identity of the Catalytic Triad,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2013, 110(8), E653-661.
- Crawford, J. M.; Korman, T. P.; Labonte, J. W.; Vagstad, A. L.; Hill, E. A.; Kamari-Bidkorpeh, O.; Tsai, S.-C.; Townsend, C. A. “Structural Basis for Biosynthetic Programming of Fungal Aromatic Polyketide Cyclization,” Nature 2009, 461, 1139-1143.
- Raber, M. L.; Arnett, S. O.; Townsend, C. A. “A Conserved Tyrosyl-Glutamyl Catalytic Dyad in Evolutionarily Linked Enzymes: Carbapenam Synthetase and β-Lactam Synthetase,” Biochemistry 2009, 48, 4959-4971.
- Miller, M. T.; Bachmann, B. O.; Townsend, C. A.; Rosenzweig, A. C. “The Catalytic Cycle of β-Lactam Synthetase Observed by x-Ray Crystallographic Snapshots,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2002, 99, 14752-14757.
- Challis, G. L.; Ravel, J.; Townsend, C. A. “Predictive, Structure-Based Model of Amino Acid Recognition by Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Adenylation Domains,” Chemistry & Biology 2000, 7, 211-224.
Fatty Acid Synthase Inhibition
An extensive web of collaborative research has been developed over several years with scientists at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The unifying theme of this effort has been the selective modulation (inhibition and allosteric stimulation) of enzymes involved in fatty acid metabolism as a therapeutic approach to the treatment of a variety of human cancers, tuberculosis, and a potential breakthrough therapy for obesity. Members of the lab are engaged in mechanism- and structure-based drug design and synthesis and perform SAR studies on key enzymes with the goal to produce more potent and selective inhibitors.
Papers of Significant Interest
- Aja, S.; Landree, L. E.; Kleman, A. M.; Medghalchi, S. M.; Vadlamudi, A.; McFadden, J. M.; Aplasca, A.; Hyun, J.; Plummer, E.; Daniels, K.; Kemm, M.; Townsend, C. A.; Thupari, J. N.; Kuhajda, F. P.; Moran, T. H.; Ronnett, G. V. “Pharmacological Stimulation of Brain Carnitine Palmitoyl-Transferase-1 Decreases Food Intake and Body Weight,” Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 2008, 294, R352-R361.
- McFadden, J. M.; Medghalchi, S. M.; Thupari, J. N.; Pinn, M, L.; Vadlamudi, A.; Miller, K. I.; Kuhajda, F. P.; Townsend, C. A. “Application of a Flexible Synthesis of (5R)-Thiolactomycin to Develop New Inhibitors of Type I Fatty Acid Synthase,” J. Med. Chem. 2005, 48, 946-961.
- Loftus, T. M.; Jaworsky D. E.; Frehywot, G. L.; Townsend, C. A.; Ronnett, G. V.; Lane, M. D.; Kuhajda, F. P. “Reduced Food Intake and Body Weight in Mice Treated with Fatty Acid Synthase Inhibitors,” Science 2000, 288, 2379-2381.
- Kuhajda, F. P.; Pizer, E. S.; Li J. N.; Mani, N. S.; Frehywot, G. L.; Townsend, C. A. “Synthesis and Anti-tumor Activity of an Inhibitor of Fatty Acid Synthase,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2000, 97, 3450-3454.
A full list of publications is available on Google Scholar.
Selected recent publications
Doctoral Students
- A. Scott Neese, Ph.D. ’80
- Alan B. Theis, Ph.D. ’81
- Alethia M. Brown, Ph.D. ’81
- Meng-fei Ho, Ph.D. ’83
- Ellen B. Barrabee, Ph.D. ’83
- Siegfried B. Christensen, Ph.D. ’84
- Loan T. Nguyen, M.D. Ph.D. ’84
- Steven G. Davis, Ph.D. ’85
- Gino M. Salituro, Ph.D. ’86
- Shi-Shan Mao, Ph.D. ’87
- Susan W. Brobst, Ph.D. ’88
- Brenda A. Wilson, Ph.D. ’88
- Todd L. Graybill, Ph.D. ’90
- Walter J. Krol, Ph.D. ’91
- Dirk Reuyl, Ph.D. ’92
- Sean M. McGuire, Ph.D. ’92
- Anne McE. Reeve, Ph.D. ’92
- Margaret D.-T. Chang, Ph.D. ’93
- Laura A. Egan Pontzer, Ph.D. ’96
- Eduard G. Casillas, Ph.D. ’96
- Robert W. Busby, Ph.D. ’96
- Jeffrey C. Silva, Ph.D. ’96
- Tung-Kung Wu, Ph.D. ’96
- Coran M. H. Watanabe, Ph.D. ’98
- Linda K. Neely Casillas, Ph.D. ’99
- Steven D. Breazeale, Ph.D. ’99
- Nusrat Khaleeli, Ph.D. ’00
- Gojeb L. Frehywot, Ph.D. ’00
- Minwan Wu, Ph.D. ’00
- Brian O. Bachmann, Ph.D. ’00
- Mary F. (Tofani) Kawa, M.A. ’02
- Katherine I. (Miller) Needleman, M.A. ’02
- Kevin M. Henry, Ph.D. ’02
- Daniel W. Udwary, Ph.D. ’03
- Michele Gunsior, Ph.D. ’03
- Wendy L. Kelly, R.Ph. Ph.D. ’03
- Anthony Stapon, Ph.D. ’03
- Minerva A. Hughes, Ph. D. ’06
- Kristin A. LeChevet, M.A. ’06
- Matthew T. Merski, Ph.D. ’07
- Jason M. Crawford, Ph.D. ’07
- Samantha O. Arnett, Ph.D. ’08
- Michael F. Freeman, Ph.D. ’08
- Mary L. Raber, Ph.D. ’09
- Micah J. Bodner, Ph.D. ’10
- Edward A. Wydysh, Ph.D. ’10
- Kristos A. Moshos, Ph.D. ’11
- Ryan M. Phelan, Ph.D. ’11
- Jason W. Labonte, Ph.D. ’11
- Anna L. Vagstad, Ph.D. ’12
- Katherine Belecki, Ph.D. ’13
- Andrew Buller, Ph.D. ’13
- Nicole Gaudelli, Ph.D. ’13
- Victor K. Outlaw, Ph.D. ’15
- Daniel R. Marous, Ph.D. ’15
- Adam G. Newman, Ph.D. ’15
- Evan P. Lloyd, Ph.D. ’17
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Alan B. Theis, Ph.D. ’81
- Alethia M. Brown, Ph.D. ’81
- Charles P. Lewis III, ’78-’80
- Michael J. DiNovi, ’82-’85
- Paul R. O. Whittamore, ’84-’86
- Kathleen A. Plavcan, ’85-’86
- Yasuo Isomura, ’85-’86
- Shanta Bantia, ’85-’86
- Kollol Pal, ’87-’89
- Scott P. Salowe, ’87-’90
- E. Neil G. Marsh, ’88-’90
- Amit Basak, ’87-’91
- James J. DeVoss, ’88-’91
- Clifton E. Barry III, ’89-’91
- Katherine D. Cramer, ’90-’92
- Koren A. Holland, ’90-’92
- Douglas B. McIlwaine, ’90-’93
- Moneesh Chatterjee, ’91-’95
- Chun-Gyu Kim, ’94-’95
- Paul J. Smith, ’93-’95
- James W. Janc, ’91-’95
- Robert J. Duff, ’93-’96
- Todd A. Houston, ’93-’96
- Janos Pitlik, ’93-’97
- Robert E. Minto, ’94-’97
- Neelakhanda S. Mani, ’93-’97
- Joanne T. Blanchfield, ’96-’98
- Doris Stoermer, ’96-’98
- Gregory L. Challis, ’98-’00
- Paul B. Jones, ’98-’00
- Timothy S. Hitchman, ’98-’00
- Eric W. Schmidt, ’99-’01
- Jacques Ravel, ’99-’02
- Fumitaka Kudo, ’00-’02
- Jason D. Galpin, ’00-’03
- Jill M. McFadden, ’00-’03
- Barbara Gerratana, ’01-’04
- David M. Bartley, ’04-’06
- Tsion Bililign, ’04-’06
- Jonathan R. Scheerer
- Martina Adams
- Jesse Li, ’11-’13
- Courtney Hastings, ’11-’14
To undertake the interdisciplinary research we seek to accomplish requires skilled and committed scientists operating individually and in small teams. Applications for postdoctoral study are encouraged from disciplines ranging from natural product synthesis and biosynthesis to molecular biology, protein structure and bioinformatics.
Please email Professor Townsend and include in your cover letter your rationale for study in the Townsend laboratory as well as 1) an up-to-date C. V. and list of publications, 2) summary of research accomplishments and future professional plans, and 3) names and contact information for 2-3 knowledgeable references.